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Getting Started:

Preparation of Personal Training Schedules

Once you register an athlete or a group and provide the necessary information for season planning - you will receive immediate access to 3S' proprietary Training Control Center, which is the main working place for coaches where you can access all the additional information about your athletes.The central feature of this page is our daily and weekly training schedules:

In addition to individually prepared detailed daily training menus, you will receive sets of additional information, services and monitoring tools and more. Please note that 3S' tools are extremely flexible and designed to accommodate almost any coaching need or philosophy. We will provide you with a recommended daily volume for each athlete for the current week (below),

next weeks schedules, distribution of necessary volumes in each energy zone during the current training week, targeted best results at selected distance for this week and a whole lot more. In addition to raw and valuable information, we also provide explanations and educational materials, which will help you to understand the training process and in the future, make any appropriate changes to the schedules on your own!

Remember, we provide both a training system and a unique, unparalleled set of coaching tools, and it's up to you whether you want to just follow our advice, or learn the underlying principles of the coaching profession. Please check our service packages to see which one will best meet your needs.
Learn about 3S' unique Customization Tools by selecting the "other service categories" on the Demo panel.

See a sample of desktop full page here
Select a service package
Season Planning Tools

Individuals' and Groups Managament Tools

Preparation of Personal Training Schedules

Exercise Calculation

Individual results Analysis

Individual Intensity Levels

Evaluation and Monitoring of Required Progress

Parametric Training

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Preparation of Personal Training Schedules

Are you tired of guess work? Sleepless nights? Your worries are over. Once your athletes are enrolled and their season and goals are established, you can relax - 3S DOES THE REST OF THE WORK FOR YOU.

Whether you are a high school or Olympic Team Coach , you will receive precise exercises for EACH individual athlete or Group for every day and week of your training session. You are only a “click” away from adding and replacing any exercise from our “additional exercises menu.” and making the calculation for each athlete for every week of training.

With training progression, the goals and physiological parameters are constantly Changing. 3S tools will make sure you keep the necessary parameters of your registered athletes in perspective at all times.





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